Equanimity, in the four immeasurables, refers to the quality of remaining stable in the midst of everything. It is the balancing factor which helps hold all of the other immeasurable qualities and it counteracts clinging and aversion. This means we can treat our friends, enemies and even strangers equally with loving kindness, compassion and appreciative joy. This is not the same as indifference which shows lack of concern for others.
Also known as the mind of equilibrium, equanimity is having an unshakeable state of mind, unswayed by the eight worldly winds: praise and blame, success and failure, pleasure and pain, fame and disrepute. This stems from an understanding that everything is interdependent and impermanent in nature. In meditation, equanimity is cultivated by setting the intention to be kind and be patient to everyone and treat all equally.
Click on the timestamps below to skip to a specific scene.
0:00:00 Countdown
0:09:50 Bodhi Nite Opening
0:11:04 Lighting Ceremony
0:14:08 Sutta Song
0:18:24 UNSW Representative Speech
0:22:02 President Speech
0:27:14 Executive Committee Introduction
0:35:48 UNIBUDS Song
0:38:27 Multimedia Explanation
0:50:16 Sketch Video 1 - Loving-Kindness
0:53:47 Patron's Speech - Venerable Tsang Hui
1:02:16 10 Minutes Break - Past Bodhi Nite Clips
1:12:09 Choir Standalone - Re:Equanimity
1:19:35 Sketch Video 2 - Compassion
1:25:06 Dance Standalone
1:32:23 Sketch Video 3 - Appreciative Joy
1:42:19 Patron's Speech - Chao Khun Samai
1:48:40 Sketch Video 4 - Equanimity
1:56:22 Finale Song - Clouds in the Sky
2:02:03 Multimedia Conclusion
2:07:49 MC Closing
2:09:14 Ending Credits
our bodhi nite 2021 booklet is finally out!
Bodhi Nite 2021 is a celebration of UNIBUDS’ 41st Anniversary! It is a night of spectacular performances such as dancing, singing and multimedia put together by our talented crew and multimedia experts! Most importantly, you can watch BN2021 virtually from the comfort of your own home, wherever you are!
Online Bodhi Nite 2020
A mesmerising opening illustrated by Jun Wen Tang.
The theme, Mindfulness, explained with adorable animation by Louie Teh.
Our amazing dancers portraying mindfulness in the most creative way!
In-person Bodhi Nite 2019
UNIBUDS was first founded in 1981, by Dr. Ching Liang Lim and his small group of committee members which became the first Buddhist organisation on campus in Australia. Venerable Tsang Hui from Hwa Tsang Monastery and Venerable Chao Khun Samai from Wat Pa Buddharangsee are currently the patrons of UNIBUDS, and have been since it first established. UNIBUDS is a non-sectarian Buddhist society and thus it supports all Buddhism schools and traditions (i.e. Theravada, Mahayana, Tibetan and so on).
Our weekly activities include regular English and Chinese Dhamma talks, weekly sports sessions, monthly meditation workshops, meditation retreats, social functions and lots more.
UNIBUDS objectives are as follow:
To encourage, foster, promote, develop and extend Buddhism within the University
To bridge and develop a better understanding of the Dhamma Teachings from various Schools of Buddhism
To promote Buddhist meditation practices
To cater to the welfare of members
To foster goodwill, mutual understanding and friendship among Buddhists, other religious groups and the Australian public